An immersive performance 17.März 2023
An immersive performance 17.März 2023
An immersive performance 17.März 2023

Looking down from a 50-meter tower into the depths. Losing the ground beneath your feet while surrounded by dancing people. Looking someone in the eyes and kissing. Intoxication experiences can be experienced in various forms. In the interactive performance "Intoxication," spectators aged 14 and over are invited to explore the human desire for freedom and security playfully together with artists from the fields of acting, music, and illustration. As self-proclaimed experts on adrenaline, the artistic team and the audience embark on a search for moments that make us feel alive. We ask ourselves: What does adrenaline do to our body? Is there a perfect formula for intoxication? Do limits really keep us alive or do they keep us from living our true lives?
Throughout the performance, the audience emancipates itself from a passive spectator role and becomes part of the research group. In different rooms on the stage of Theater Münster, artists and audiences experience immersive and intense moments with all their senses. Led by the inclusive ensemble, seeing, hearing, and feeling are explored in a very special way, so that participants not only leave the production with many new impressions but perhaps also richer in an intoxication experience.
Throughout the performance, the audience emancipates itself from a passive spectator role and becomes part of the research group. In different rooms on the stage of Theater Münster, artists and audiences experience immersive and intense moments with all their senses. Led by the inclusive ensemble, seeing, hearing, and feeling are explored in a very special way, so that participants not only leave the production with many new impressions but perhaps also richer in an intoxication experience.
Performance by: Soraya Abtahi, Amelie Barth, Samira Lüke, Anna Reizbik, Corinna Wolters
Creative Team:
Director: Christina Schelhas
Stage & Costume Design: Emilia Schmucker
Musical Concept & Sound Design: Jakob Lorenz
Dramaturgy: Anne Abrahams
Photography: Sinje Hasheider
Creative Team:
Director: Christina Schelhas
Stage & Costume Design: Emilia Schmucker
Musical Concept & Sound Design: Jakob Lorenz
Dramaturgy: Anne Abrahams
Photography: Sinje Hasheider